
Nota de pesar pelo falecimento de Cuauhtémoc Sandoval Ramírez

Nota de pesar pelo falecimento de Cuauhtémoc Sandoval Ramírez

Cuauhtemoc_Sandoval_Ramirez.jpgO Partido socialista enviou a seguinte nota de pesar pelo falecimento de Cuauhtémoc Sandoval Ramírez, ao Partido de la Revolución Democrática, assinada pelo Secretario Nacional João Ribeiro:

On behalf of the Socialist Party, we express our most sincere regrets for the loss of Cuauhtémoc Sandoval Ramírez, and would be grateful if you could pass this message to his bereaved family, friends and comrades.

The democratic socialism recognizes on him the full dedication to public cause and human rights, always defending Democracy as a universal value.