
Conferencia “A Progressive Agenda for a new Arab World”

Conferencia “A Progressive Agenda for a new Arab World”

pesO Partido Socialista participará, na Conferência “ A Progressive Agenda for a new Arab World”, uma organização conjunta do Partido Socialista Europeu, do Global Progressive Forum, da FEPS e do Grupo dos Socialistas & Democratas no Parlamento Europeu. Estarão, igualmente, presentes outros partidos irmãos e organizações de inspiração socialista da Bacia Mediterrânica e da Europa. O encontro decorrerá, em Tunes, entre os dias 29 e 30 de Março e a representação do PS será assegurada pelo deputado Paulo Pisco.

Listening to the progressive Mediterranean initiative

“A Progressive Agenda for a new Arab World”

Tunis, 29-30 March 2012

Thursday 29 March

20.00-22.30 Dinner meeting: Networking amongst parties of the MENA region

Consecutive translation EN/FR

Friday 30 March

09.30 – Welcome speeches

Mustapha Ben Jaafar, President of the Constituent Assembly

Sergei Stanishev, PES President

Hannes Swoboda, President of the S&D Group in the European Parliament

Interpretation FR/EN/AR

10.00-11.00 Plenary: “The challenges of democratic transition”

Interpretation FR/EN/AR

11.00-11.20 Group Photo

11.30-13.00 Working Group 1: Democratisation in process: media, police, justice, …

Interpretation FR/EN/AR

Working Group 2: Strengthening progressive political parties and movements:

Political and constitutional priorities

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13.00-14.45 Lunch debate: “The impact of religion in the political life of Emerging


Consecutive translation EN/FR

15.00-16.30 Working Group 3: Progressive challenges: tackling unemployment and ensuring

social and economic inclusion for all, especially for Women and Youth

Interpretation FR/EN/AR

Working Group 4: Perspectives for future trade agreements and regional


Interpretation FR/EN/AR

16.15 – 18.15 Plenary: “Progressives across the Mediterranean: A new relationship”

Interpretation FR/EN/AR

18.15 Closing speeches

Interpretation FR/EN/AR